I am a myco-entrepreneur and bioavailability geek who has enjoyed a decades-long adventure with plant medicine. My love of medicinal and functional fungi began while completing a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship, where I collaborated on plant medicine research with nomadic tribes in Mexico, Southeast Asia, China, and across the Himalayan region. You can check out my work with the Moken tribe of Burma’s Mergui Archipelago in the National Geographic Channel’s documentary “Next Wave”. With a parallel career in public service, my journey as a diplomat, speaker, and researcher has spanned over 70 countries. ​

In the aftermath of Japan’s 2011 earthquake and tsunami, I co-created 47 Japanese Farms, an agro-innovation project that sparked my own experiments cultivating functional mushrooms and experimenting with techniques to maximize their bioavailability. Since then, I have taught workshops on wellness and myco-herbalism in Japan, Indonesia, & the United States. I advise supplement makers, myco-start ups, and individuals interested in unlocking the magic of functional fungi and herbs.

I hold degrees from Washington & Lee University and Cornell University, and consider my greatest teachers the global community of farmers, healers, nomads, and shamans whom I have been privileged to learn from.

As Seen On

Herbal & Mushroom Supplements Bootcamp

If you have a pantry full of herbal and functional mushroom supplements and aren't sure they are doing a dang thing for your wellness, this is for you. Cut through the hype and save your time and money! Learn the tips and tricks to spot fraud, fake products, and ineffective plant and mushroom medicine a mile away.

Here’s WHY this matters.

A 2019 study determined that nearly a third of all herbal supplements worldwide are adulterated or fake products. This is not a problem of any single country or company. It affects the entire industry. (source )

A 2017 study determined that only five out of 19 supplements labeled as Reishi mushroom products purchased in the United States contained genuine Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma Lucidum). Here’s the thing. The problem is not just a reishi supplement problem. Most supplements are unregulated, opening the door for false claims, misrepresentation, and adulteration. (source )

Against this backdrop, education is key. By the end of this mini-course, you will have all the tools you need to find the needle-in-a-haystack herbal supplements that deliver real value and quality.

Use code EXPEDITIONARY for a special discount.
